Sunday morning, I am a week back from my trip in France, I miss it all ready. I have seen very nice places. As always it is nice to be in France. Good food and wine.
The first night we stayed in Saumur. We slept in a very nice place; Club Napoleon, it was a museum. A little palace, 350 m2, just big enough for us. In Saumur we visited the tank museum, a must see if you are a fan of armour.

The next day was Saint Nazaire the U-boot base, that was big. We walked along the places of Operation Chariot. If you imagine that they did an attack there, it is almost unbelievable that it worked, the docks are so big, so much concrete. A wonder that the operation was a succes.
The next day was Sainte-Mere-Eglise, a place I very well know. I’ve been there many times, even as a kid with my parents. After all those years nothing has changed there. Of course the restaurants and the bars, but all look the same as the first time that I came there. We stayed in a B&B next to the church. The view from my room was on the church, every hour I heard the church bells. I had to think about John Steele, the soldier who hang in the church during D-Day. And the scene in the movie The Longest day. The next day we visited teh Airborne Museum, and yes that was different then the times before. It was bigger, you could see more and it was more beautiful.

I had to think about the firts time that I came there, with my parents and little brother. We couldn’t believe our eyes, what we saw there, a tank, a plane, the guns, etc. After all the years it is still for me a special place to go there. Is it because of the war or that I was there with my family, every year during the vacations. I don’t know. If you are in Normandy this is a must see.