Two Opportunities for Research & Healing


I have a couple of opportunities for members to expand their military research skills and also explore generational or inherited trauma, family patterns, and ancestral healing. If you have questions about these, please ask.

Opportunity #1 - Military Research Bundle

A lot of people say.....'I have no idea what my dad or grandpa did in the war' or 'he never talked about it' or 'I have so many questions about things I heard and don't understand' or 'My dad or grandpa had a collection of photos that really disturbed me and I need to know what he experienced'.
Sometimes it goes a level deeper and someone will tell me 'My dad or grandpa was an alcoholic or he abused us in some way and I think the war contributed to who he was, how can I find out more?'
Abuse, drug use, alcohol use, emotional detachment, silence, rage, anger, instability, mental and physical health issues - all may have come as a result of someone's combat experience. These experiences and the results also affected our families.
Have you ever explored this? How your veteran's trauma affected everyone? Have you added this to your genealogy and military research task list? If not - why not?
I've had research clients come to me asking for help to find not only facts but to understand WHY their dad or grandpa or whomever, was the way they were. Why did this client grow up being abused or pushed away from his father? Why did that client grow up never knowing his father because of mental or physical disabilities that required a life in a VA hospital? Clients ask 'who am I NOW that I know THIS about my father's war experience? I have no more room to hate him or be angry. now I'm just sad and regretful because I didn't know before....and it's too late because he's gone.' It's never too late to find answers and forgive our veterans or ourselves for whatever we experienced and felt. It's never too late to find closure and peace.
If you would like to learn more about researching your WWI or WWII service member AND explore how their experiences shaped who they became after and how that affected the family, you won't want to miss this military bundle deal.
Until 31 May I'm offering seven webinars to help you learn how to research at NPRC, NARA, online, and other archives along with exploring war trauma. These seven webinars plus extensive workbook and additional resources will help you piece together the story. Find the records (even if the service record burned) and identify ways you may be living your family's war trauma unconsciously. 
Learn more and register today for access to these programs. Full details on each program can be found here. This bundle offer expires 31 May 2023.
Opportunity #2 - Free Ancestral Healing Consult

Have you heard about ancestral healing? Intergenerational / transgenerational / multi-generational trauma? Family patterns? How we unconsciously live out some of our parents and ancestors' lives, unhealed traumas, unfulfilled dreams and wishes? Have you wondered about the effects of war on your family and yourself? Have you wondered what all the fuss was about?

Having discovered a few years ago I was living my WWII Navy grandparent's traumas and unfulfilled dreams with my late Dutch husband, I began studying different aspects of trauma and family patterns so I could end them. So I could change the energy of what had come before and what I was living so my boys would have different options in life. When we heal or release something that holds us back, something that has been passed down through the generations (toxic cycles, abuse, drugs and alcohol, war trauma, unfulfilled dreams, lost opportunities, etc.), it not only heals and changes us but all those who came before, those who live now, and those who will come in the future. It's like magic. I'm living proof.

Would you like to discuss what's possible in exploring ancestral healing or patterns before investing in coaching sessions or classes?

Book your free 20-minute phone consultation to discuss your questions, family observations, get to know me, & learn possible next steps.

If you have questions about any of this, please ask or email me at

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