
This movie was based on a fictional book that was based on actual events and people. Typical movie of the era with John Wayne having a love interest with Donna Reed. However, plenty of other characters get screen time. Not heavy on action, more along the storyline of the Torpedo boats proving themselves in battle and how they and thousands of other troops were sacrificed (expendable) to prolong the Japanese advance and give America time to rebuild after Pearl Harbor.

I don't think the struggles and valiant action of our troops and the Philippine soldiers and people are covered enough when the Pacific War is discussed. They valiantly held out from December until May, eventually surrendering when they had no choice. Little did they know the terrible fate that awaited with the Bataan Death March and POW camps. Check out the film plot here:

Film Plot

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  • This movie is a classic and favorite of mine. And Donna Reed was at the pinnacle of her beauty. (movie poster jpeg added)

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