Bob Hope and Frances Langford in U.S.O. tour, entertain U.S. troops on Bougainvi...HD Stock Footage

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YouTube and CriticalPast:

"Bob Hope and Frances Langford in U.S.O. tour, entertain U.S. troops on Bougainville in World War ii The Bob Hope Troupe on U.S.O. tour in the South West Pacific in World War 2. During tour, they entertain U.S. soldiers on Bougainville. Bob Hope engages in comic banter with Frances Langford. She then sings ""I'll be seeing you,"" accompanied by the troupe's guitarist, Tony Romano. Views of the soldiers in audience seated close together on the ground. They seem to want an encore and engage in banter with Bob Hope. Location: Bougainville Solomon Islands. Date: August 2, 1944."

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