Napoleon was very much an astute opportunist, be it political or military. This, combined with voluminous amounts of self-confidence, led Napoleon in his decision to return to the European mainland and therefore, leave his force in Egypt. This was ju
Napoleon held the whole of Russia in contempt from its highest official, Tsar Alexander I down to the lowest peasant. Herein lies the rub by 1810: keep his alliance with Russia as a lackluster participant in his Continental System or turn his back
Collaborators, Traitors, and Propaganda: Implementing Napoleon’s Occupation of Spain (1808–9)
Historians of the Napoleonic War in Spain (1808–14) – also known as the Peninsular War or Spanish War of Independence – have highlighted its conventional
(The following article first appeared in the October-November 2022 newsletter of The Napoleonic Historical Society. I am presenting it here to in an effort to reach as many readers as possible for this little discussed topic.)
"Vive l'Empereur!: The Rise and Fall of Napoleon's Military Maxims" (Part 4 of a Series of 4)
Two years later between 16-18 June of 1815 the ultimate folly would be that which has become synonymous with defeat and failure, Waterloo. The French army
Victories would follow the pinnacle that was Austerlitz; the smashing of a resurgent Prussia during the Jena Campaign of 6-12 October 1806, the long-awaited defeat of the Russians at Friedland on 14 June1807 that would cost them over 30,000 casualtie
Beginning with the saving of The Directory on 5 October 1795 with a “whiff of grapeshot,” followed by swift tightly interwoven military and political victories, Bonaparte was taking inspiration from one of historical influences, Julius Caesar as to h
The late eighteenth and early nineteenth century bore witness to the rise and fall of Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) and his Military Maxims. The Corsican born, artillery trained military acolyte, experienced a meteoric rise in political and military
The weather at Eylau was the most incessant and formidable of opponents for all the belligerents and its impact was significant throughout the field of battlefield. The numerous streams and ponds were so frozen, and snow covered that French artillery
ABOVE: Napoleon witnessing the burning of Moscow after he and the Grande Armée finally reached the Russian capital on 14 September 1812. Russia's failure to adhere to Napoleon's Continental System made his invasion of them nearly inevitable. WikiCom
The geographically colossal Russian Empire was literally being starved to death by its participation in Napoleon’s Continental System. Being denied the ability to sell its grain to a much in need Great Britain, coupled with massive debts from various
The desperate struggle of the Battle of Preussisch-Eylau or more commonly known as the Battle of Eylau, was fought in some of the most abysmal conditions of any battle in history. The French, Russians and Prussians fought in temperatures of -10°C (14
The entire affair on the Iberian Peninsula from Spain and Portugal was expected to be of little note militarily to Napoleon. Bringing Portugal under French control due to their persistence in continuing to trade with Great Britain in 1807 violated Na
Napoleon was always exercising his prodigious intellect as to the myriad of challenges both to France and to himself with a keen eye towards favorable solutions. Therefore, his decision to renew or rather amend the relationship between France and t
The geographically colossal Russian Empire was literally being starved to death by its participation in Napoleon’s Continental System since its decree in 1806. Being denied the ability to sell its grain to a much in need Great Britain, coupled with m
Right: Muenster, Germany: 30 April 2022. View to the room called Friedenssaal ("Peace Room"), where the Peace of Westphalia was signed. Source: War History Network license. Click to enlarge.
The Peace of Westphalia is one of the most significant ev
Right: Napoleon takes the surrender of General Mack and the Austrians at Ulm on October 20, 1805. Medium: oil on canvas. Source: Wikipedia. The official position taken by the Wikimedia Foundation is that "faithful reproductions of two-dimensional p
Napoleon’s leadership skills of charisma, perseverance, and intellectual acuity, coupled with his emphasis on mobility, the utilization of the corps system and the seeking of the decisive battle to bring the enemy to terms, was at their zenith at t
It was in fact during the Italian campaigns of the 1790s that proved to the detriment of France’s enemies, Napoleon’s mastery of movement. This ability to execute nearly super-human movements of troops, especially those that were under-fed, under-equ
A simple name evokes martial glory for all time. Hannibal with his Carthaginian army and elephants crossing the Alps. Caesar and his systematic conquering of the Gallic tribes. Washington leading his ragtag patriot army through hardship and eventua